Aug 3, 2019
Weeks 4 through 6: Reading “R for Data Science" —
My next project was to read through the book "R for Data Science" by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund. I'm hoping to update the R-programming course that accompanies our large Public Health Biostatistics course, so I was hoping this book would give me some ideas for restructuring the order of topics in the course.
Jul 10, 2019
Week 3: Making an animated map using maps, ggplot2, and gganimate —
For week 3, I decided to take the clean Maryland Poison Control data that I created in weeks 1 and 2 and create a map of Maryland showing the rates of exposures by county. Additionally, I wanted to animate this map to show how these rates change over time.
Jul 9, 2019
Week 2: Cleaning data extracted from a pdf —
For week 2, I continued the process of creating a clean data set of call data from the Maryland Poison Center (MPC) that I started in week 1.
Jun 25, 2019
Week 1: Reading data from a pdf using pdftools —
For week 1, I chose to tackle extracting data from a pdf document using the `R` package `pdftools`. My goal was to read in the data from the first page of documents which give exposure counts for calls to the Maryland Poison Center for Maryland counties over 2006-2018 and create a tidy and clean dataset of calls to the Maryland Poison Center (MPC).
Jun 11, 2019
Week 0: Creating a blog using blogdown —
My first task in this professional development journey was to create a blog to record my progress and keep track of my projects.
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